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October : Happy Small Business Month!

October : Happy Small Business Month!

Last year, the West Island of Montreal Chamber of Commerce published an article regarding the Shop Small Saturday initiative, a concept that encourages people to shop locally on Saturdays. Despite this excellent way of support small business, there exist other campaigns to highlight the most important segment in the business community, which is small business month. In Canada, it all started in 1979 as Small Business Week, where the Federal Business Development Bank (now known as BDC) in British Columbia organized a week of small business management training sessions for entrepreneurs which has grown to become a national time of year to recognize the importance of small businesses to the economy. Now known as Small Business Month, each year there are thousands of activities across Canada geared towards small business people. For us as a chamber of commerce, every week is small business week because at our chamber we believe that strong businesses build strong communities!

We have many reasons to believe that it is a good idea to pay tribute to small-medium enterprises (SME’s).

Small businesses bring our cities and towns to life. Let’s face it, local businesses always know how to surprise us with the diversity and uniqueness of their offer. The familiarity of the people behind these businesses enriches their local communities. Supporting small businesses means helping local communities to flouring, to help foster homegrown ideas and to contribute to the economy as SME’s create the most jobs of any business segment. These organizations are known for being employee-friendly as they offer flexible work schedules, work-family balance, benefits and competitive wages.


With so much for us to gain as communities, let’s play our role in supporting our local businesses by joining the Shop Small Saturday movement not only during Small Business Month but all year round. During Small Business Month (like every month of the year), The West Island Chamber of Commerce wishes to recognize the determination and innovation of the companies of our territory. Happy Small Business Month!


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